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Data Digester Sync Arguments

The following listing shows the sync arguments of the command line version of the Data Digester software (digestercli). The arguments can be used for the installer version only, digestercli is currently not available for Web Start.

Usage: digestercli [-options] -sourceset <file|directory|url> ... -targetset <name> <file|directory|url> ...

Supported sync mode options include:

  -sync                         synchronize files and directories with message digests
  -bsdperdirectory              process BSD-compliant file per directory
  -bsdpertarget                 process BSD-compliant file per target
  -flipsourcetarget <set>       reverse mode: transfer from target set to source
  -gensrctemplate <template>    execute generate template before sync (source set)
  -gensrctemplaterefresh        execute template in refresh mode (source set)
  -gentemplate <set> <template> execute generate template before sync (named target set)
  -gentemplaterefresh <set>     execute template in refresh mode (named target set)
  -gnuperdirectory              process MD5SUM-compliant file per directory
  -gnupertarget                 process MD5SUM-compliant file per target
  -ignoreregex <value>          regular expression for files to be ignored
  -includeregex <value>         regular expression for files to be included
  -md2                          process MD2 message digests
  -md4                          process MD4 message digests
  -md5                          process MD5 message digests
  -optdigest                    digests for source and target match
  -optfilesize                  source/target file sizes match
  -optintermediate              intermediates for source and target match
  -optpgpsig                    PGP signatures for source and target match
  -opttimestamp                 source/target timestamps match
  -optxmlentryfilesize          XML entry file sizes match source and target
  -optxmlentrytimestamp         XML entry timestamps match source and target
  -overwrite                    overwrite existing files
  -pgppertarget                 process PGP signature file per target
  -ripemd128                    process RIPEMD-128 hash files
  -ripemd160                    process RIPEMD-160 hash files
  -ripemd256                    process RIPEMD-256 hash files
  -ripemd320                    process RIPEMD-320 hash files
  -sha1 | sha                   process SHA-1 hash files
  -sha224                       process SHA-224 hash files
  -sha256                       process SHA-256 hash files
  -sha384                       process SHA-384 hash files
  -sha512                       process SHA-512 hash files
  -sourcetimestamp              apply source file timestamps to target files
  -subdirectories               include subdirectories
  -syncgnubsdtimestamp          trust digests if file timestamp matches (GNU/BSD)
  -syncmapping <value>          use sync mapping options as defaults
  -syncpgptimestamp             trust signatures if file timestamp matches (PGP)
  -syncxmlentryfilesize         trust digests if XML entry file size matches
  -syncxmlentrytimestamp        trust digests if XML entry timestamp matches
  -syncxmltimestamp             trust digests if file timestamp matches (XML)
  -tiger                        process Tiger hash files
  -transferall                  transfer all sources without optimization
  -verbose                      print additional messages
  -whirlpool                    process Whirlpool hash files
  -xmlperdirectory              process Digester XML file per directory
  -xmlpertarget                 process Digester XML file per target

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